Many of the most popular smartphones, tablets, laptops, and gaming consoles can be sold on our website. Please search for your device in the selling tab to see if Tech Reboot currently makes offers for it.
If your device is not listed, we may not offer any payment for it at this time. However, check back often because we are adding new devices all the time!
You will be sent a shipping label and a packing slip via email when you checkout on the website. We will email you a free shipping label and packing slip. Just box up your device (and the packing slip) securely; bubble wrap is recommended. Attach the shipping label to the outside of a box, preferably covering it with clear tape. Drop it off at any post office or shipping store. We'll handle the rest!
Please remember that Tech Reboot is not responsible for items damaged during shipping; take care to package it securely so you can receive the full value of your device.
Tech Reboot will supply you a Prepaid label.
No payment required if you use these options.
Special Delivery
For products valued over $100 we recommend our customers purchase insurance.
Locate the imei or serial number of your device.
and go to this great website
Many iPhones and iPads have the model number in the small writing on the back of the device, typically beginning with "A" and then some numbers.