What We Know So Far About The Upcoming iOS 14.5 Update
Posted on 19th Feb 2021 16:16:15 in Apple, General, Selling

Several things in this life get better with time: cheese, wine, denim, iOS updates. There is an emphasis on iOS updates. 

Apple released iOS14 back in September 2020, right before the iPhone 12 series hit the market. Since then, a newer version of the operating system has been available every month. People are anticipating the release of iOS 14.5 sometime in February because of all of its new features. 

Here is what you should know and expect to see from the iOS 14.5 update.

Device Compatibility 

The latest version of the Apple operating system is compatible with phone models as old as the iPhone 6S. It is also compatible with the seventh-gen iPod Touch. 

If you have a fear of missing out on all of the new features, be sure to buy an iPhone for an affordable price. 

How To Download iOS 14.5 

At the moment, an iOS 14.5 download is only available through Apple’s Beta Software Program. We do not recommend that you go through with the public beta download because it may have bugs that could damage your device

When the finalized version does become available for download, all you have to do is open the Settings app, select General, select Software Update, and follow the instructions displayed on your phone’s screen.

What Is to Come? 

Apple’s iOS 14.5 brings new emojis, an updated Siri, and an improved Face ID, just to name a few. 

Over 200 New Emojis 

One of the best parts about iOS updates is the new emojis. They are more inclusive and expressive than ever before.

  • Gender and race variations

  • AirPods Max Pro instead of over-the-ear headphones 

  • A heart surrounded by flames

  • A syringe without blood 

  • An exhaling emoji face 

  • An emoji face with its head in the clouds

  • Helmets on rock climbers

These small details matter and will surely make a difference in the way people express themselves through text. 

Hey Siri, What’s New? 

If you own an iPhone, you would know that Siri is essentially your assistant that fits in your back pocket. It is useful and gives you directions when you are lost, tells you jokes when you are blue, and finds you different recipes when you are hungry. But with iOS 14.5, it can now call authorities when you are in danger. 

You just have to say is “Hey Siri, call emergency,” and your phone will dial 911. If you did not mean to make this request, you have three seconds to cancel the call. 

The next Siri update has to do with your music.

Typically when you ask Siri to play a song, it defaults to Apple Music. With the new update, Siri will give you the option to choose from every music streaming app you have downloaded, such as Spotify and Pandora. From there, choose which one you would like to set as the default. 

Facemask Recognition

An unexpected annoyance that occurred this past year is having to take off your facemask or enter a passcode to unlock your iPhone because Face ID does not recognize you. 

With iOS 14.5, you have the option to unlock your phone while still wearing your mask- but the catch is that you have to own an Apple Watch

As long as your watch is on and unlocked, it will notify you when your phone is unlocked too. 

More Privacy 

The update also brings more privacy and transparency. Your apps are now required to ask for permission before tracking your activity and data. 

In Conclusion 

Not every detail about iOS 14.5 is known yet, but what we do know is exciting enough. What about the update are you the most excited about?

Photo Credit: Hermann Via Pixabay