The Recycled Paper - A Tech Reboot Blog

How to Safely Sell Your Device During a Pandemic

Posted on 2nd Mar 2021 16:44:10 in Apple, General, Samsung, Selling

In a pre-covid world, someone may have gone to great lengths to sell their device to a total stranger if it involved a nice profit. But because of today’s regulations and concerns, people have to adjust and take extra precautions during these transactions to prevent the further spread of the virus. Regardless, it is still possible to sell your device and make a

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Is an Apple TV Worth Buying?

Posted on 1st Mar 2021 19:32:12 in Apple, General, Selling

Rumor has it that the 6th Gen Apple TV is hitting the market this spring. The compact media box has greatly improved since its first release in 2007, so expectations are high for this upcoming release. What can people expect, what improvements can be made, and is an Apple TV worth buying?

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What We Know So Far About The Upcoming iOS 14.5 Update

Posted on 19th Feb 2021 16:16:15 in Apple, General, Selling

Several things in this life get better with time: cheese, wine, denim, iOS updates. There is an emphasis on iOS updates. 

Apple released iOS14 back in September 2020, right before the Read More

Does Tech Reboot Accept All Tech?

Posted on 12th Feb 2021 19:26:24 in Apple, General, Recycling, Samsung, Selling

    Tech Reboot is a certified refurbished smart device store that not only buys and recycles end-of-life tech but also sells pre-owned devices for those who are seeking a great deal. 

    But exactly which smart devices are refurbished, and does Tech Reboot buy all tech? 

    To start,

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Is The Apple Pencil Worth Writing Home About?

Posted on 9th Feb 2021 15:51:10 in Apple, General

If you have ever had to hand-draw or write something on your iPad, you know how annoying and inconvenient the task is if all you have for a stylus is your index finger. Thankfully Apple released the Apple PencilRead More

How To Determine Your Phone’s Condition Before Selling It

Posted on 4th Feb 2021 18:58:28 in Apple, General, Selling

At Tech Reboot, we determine a phone’s condition before selling it to a customer with the help of our expert technicians and Read More

Tech Reboot Sells PhoneCheck Certified Devices

Posted on 3rd Feb 2021 18:21:00 in Apple, General, Samsung, Selling

When you buy an iPhone from Tech Reboot, you won’t have to worry about imperfections caused by its previous owner, thanks to our Read More

Want Extra Cash For The Newest Device? Here’s How To Sell Your Phone and Make Money With Tech Reboot

Posted on 26th Jan 2021 15:09:20 in Apple, General, Samsung, Selling

The launch of the Samsung s21 was just announced on January 14 and is now available for preorder. It is scheduled to hit the market on January 29. But if you want to get your hands on one of these, make sure you have at least $800 ready.

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Your Child May Have a Technology Addiction: Here’s The Signs and Solutions According to Experts

Posted on 26th Jan 2021 19:23:49 in General, Selling

Parents love seeing the glow in their children’s eyes when they light up with joy. Sometimes it is just the radiant light of a smart device. According to child development experts, this can be a huge issue. 

Renowned Addiction Expert Dr. Nicholas Kardaras says a technology addiction is just as intense as drug addiction- and both are hard to kick without the proper help.


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Terminology You Should Know When Buying a Smartphone

Posted on 19th Jan 2021 15:19:24 in Apple, General, Samsung, Selling

Between the dozens of brands and the hundreds of models to choose from, buying a phone can become an overwhelming task.

Things only become more confusing when your salesperson throws words

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